Business Card View

Business Card View

The Business Card view in Record Details page gives a quick preview of details like record owner, email address, phone number etc. Sometimes, agents may need to lookup for more information in the business card while they are on a call with a customer or sharing record's information with a fellow worker. To achieve this you be able to select the fields that must be visible to the agents. Therefore we allow to customize the business card according to your need. 

Permission Required
Users with the Customize Zoho CRM permission in profile can access this feature.

Customize the Business Card

You can select standard or custom fields that should be displayed in the business card. You can customize the business card by adding upto 5 standard or custom fields. 
This fields will be visible to all the users across the organization who have access to the respective module or record. 

To customize the business card
  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.
  2. Select the module and click on the desired layout.
  3. In the Module Layout page, click Detail View.
  4. In the Business card, click Customize.
  5. Select the fields.
    You can add a maximum of 5 fields.
  6. Click Done.

    The record detail page will display the customized business card.

Replace fields from the Business Card

You can replace the fields in the business card directly from the record detail page. Hover over the field and click the down arrow to choose the desired field from the list.

Reorder and remove fields from Business Card

You can reorder or remove the fields in the business card from the record detail page. 
  1. In the Record Details page, click the More icon and select Customize Business Card.

  2. In the pop-up window, select fields from the Available Field List and move to the Selected Field List.

Disable the Business Card

You can disable the visibility of business card from the layout editor or the record details page.

To disable from the layout editor
  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.
  2. Select the module and click on the desired layout.
  3. In the Module Layout page, click Detail View.
  4. In the Business card view popup, toggle off the button

To disable from the record details page
  1. Go to a module and select a record from the list view.
  2. In the Record Details page, click the More icon and select Customize Business Card.
  3. In the pop-up window, toggle off the button. 

Disabling will hide the business card from the record details page. However, it will still be visible when users hover on a lookup field.