Blueprint: A Glossary of Terms

Blueprint: A Glossary of Terms


State refers to each stage in your business process - that is, all the values of the chosen pick-list field.

Drag and drop each State in the canvas on your left to begin drawing your Blueprint.

Example States: Picklist Values of the Deal Stage field.

  • Qualification
  • Requirement Gathering
  • Product Demo
  • Legal Review
  • Closed Won
  • Closed Lost
  • Closed Lost to Competition


A Transition is a link between two States in a process. It prescribes the conditions required for a record to move from one State to another.

  • Each Transition you configure is displayed as a button on the record's details page.
  • To complete a Transition, click on the Transition button and execute the actions mentioned in the ensuing popup window.
  • On successful completion of the Transition, you will move to the next State in the Blueprint.


In the Deal Closure process, Document Submission could be a Transition between the States Legal Review and Closed Won.

This Transition will appear as a button when the deal is the Legal Review State. A user should click the button Document Submission and execute the conditions specified to complete that transition and get to the next State.

Before Transition

This section allows you to choose who is responsible to execute the Transition as well as the records for which the Transition will be applicable.

  • Transition Owners: Specify the people responsible for executing this Transition.
  • Criteria: Specify which records this Transition is applicable for. The Transition button will appear for the records that meet these criteria.


Before Transition from Legal Review to Closed Won, Transition owners could be "Legal Team" group. Criteria to enter the Transition could be "Product Demo" is "Completed".

During Transition:

This section specifies the actions to be performed in order to complete the Transition.

  • Users can be prompted to add mandatory fields, which may also be validated by CRM.
  • You can add messages for sales reps to read, and make use of merge fields to display data from CRM on the screen.

Insert message and fields

  • Select the Make Notes as Mandatory checkbox to prompt users to compulsorily add notes to the record.
  • Add mandatory fields. The Transition cannot be completed without entering a value for the field.
  • Validate the fields by creating Validation Criteria.
  • Insert specific messages you wish to be displayed to sales reps as they execute the Transition.
  • Make use of merge fields to display data from CRM on the screen.


During a Transition from Legal Review to Closed Won,

  • Prompt users to make a note of Legal Documents that have been attached to the record.
  • Display messages that guide them to get the documents approved.
  • Make the Document Status field as Mandatory and validate the Status. Say, if the Status is not updated to "Submitted", the Transition cannot be executed.

After Transition

In this section, define actions to be automated on the completion of the transition.

The actions that can be automated are

  • Send Email
  • Assign Task
  • Field Update
  • Webhooks
  • Custom Functions


At the end of a “Legal Review” Transition, automate an email notification to the Sales Manager.

Common Transition

Choose this option if you wish to configure a Transition for a State that can be reached from any other State in the process.

As a result, a Common Transition will appear at all States in the process (or the States you choose) and can be reused in these States. Common Transition is ideal for an Exit State (Exit State = Final Stage in a process).


Assume that you have 5 stages in the Deal Closure process.

  • Qualification
  • Requirement Gathering
  • Product Demo
  • Legal Review
  • Closed Won/Lost

Usually Legal Review is a State that can be reached only after you complete "Product Demo". But there may be occasions when a customer is already convinced of your product and wants to go ahead with the deal. In such a case, you can create a Transition called "Legal Review" and make it a Common Transition. As a result this Transition will appear on all States and not necessarily only after Product Demo.

Active Process

An active process is one that is already in use. You can choose to edit an active process if you want. But the changes made in the active process will only reflect on the records for records that enter the process after the changes were made.

Inactive Process

Inactive processes are those that are not in use at that moment. You can edit an inactive process to suite your needs to make use of them or delete them.

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