Block IP

Block IP

You might face many spammers and harassers who try to fake a genuine chat and trick your operator into wasting their time and resources. Most spammers will try to gain your operator's trust by sounding like an actual customer but eventually trick your operator into wasting their time and resources. You can avoid such a nuisance by blocking their IP address. Blocking their IP will prevent them from accessing your live support. 

How to block an IP address from initiating a chat?

  • In the settings page, navigate to Blocked IP under Controls.
  • Click the Add button on the top right corner

  • Enter the spammer's IP address in the input field.
  • If you want to block the spammer from Accessing the live chat from a particular brand, you can select the brand under Choose a brand.
  • Otherwise, click All brands to secure all your websites from the spammer.
  • You can add a Comment to describe the reason why you're blocking the user. Comments can be help full for other users to identify the reason why the person was blocked.

Unblock / Manage Blocked IPs

  • Navigate to Settings> Blocked IP to view all the IP addresses blocked by your operators.
  • If you wish to unblock an IP address, you can toggle off the switch on the right side.
  • Once disabled, the visitor will see the live chat widget and engage with the operators again.
  • You can permanently remove a blocked IP by deleting it. Hover over a blocked IP and click on the trashcan icon on the right. Once deleted, the reason for which the IP was blocked will be erased.

Block spammer/harasser from the Chat window:

If you identify a spammer or harasser when conversing with them you can block them right form chat window. 
  • Click on the three vertical dots on the top right over the chat window.
  • Now select the Block IP option to block the IP address of the user. A confirmation alert will appear. Click yes to proceed.
  • Once blocked, the chat session will end immediately. 
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