Analytical Components - Overview

Analytical Components - Overview

Zoho CRM provides different types of analytics components for user dashboards. The list of components that the users can choose from is:

Charts - Chart is a graphic representation of the user's data. It gives quick insights into records for easy analysis. We support bar chart, horizontal chart, line chart, stacked chart, pie chart, donut chart, table chart, funnel chart, and area chart

KPI - Key Performance Indicator lets users measure the performance of their team. We support Standard, Growth Index, Basic, Scorecard, and Rankings KPIs.

Comparator - Comparator gives users a comparative overview of any data, including user performance, lead source, and more.

Anomaly Detector - Anomaly Detector detects any type of discrepancy in the user's usual business process.

Target Meter - Target meter lets users set and monitor targets for their team.

Funnel - Funnel provides a visual depiction of different stages in the user's business. We support Standard, Compact, Segment, Classic, and Path funnel components.

Cohort analysis: Cohort analysis helps Zoho CRM users understand customer behavior across the sales life cycle or their buying trends and patterns, for analyzing support costs over a specific period, or other similar metrics. Results drawn from the analysis can be used to adjust existing services or products offered to the identified cohorts and to observe the resultant impact on the overall health of the business.

Quadrant analysis: Quadrant analysis scatters the data that users want to analyze or measure into four quadrants. They can analyze data, such as the type of campaigns versus the revenue generated to identify the campaign that was most effective or leads created versus lead source to identify the source and others.
  • You can add maximum 20 components to a dashboard.
  • Only Summary and Matrix reports can be added to the dashboard.
  • You can delete only those custom charts that are created by you.
  • Standard and Professional edition users can only create Charts and KPIs. 
  • You can view a detailed drilled-down report by clicking on Charts, KPIs, Target meters and Comparators. 
  • You can clone a component, when you want to create a component that is similar to an existing one. You can click on the More icon of an existing component and click the Clone option. 

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