Actions Performed On a Record

Actions Performed On a Record

Create Records

You can create records in the  supported modules from your Android device. While adding leads and contacts, you have two options: to create a new record or import from Address Book.

To create a new record
  1. Go to the module (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, etc.).
  2. Tap the + icon to add a record.

    In the case of Leads and Contacts, you can choose between New Lead/Contact and Import from Address Book.
  3. In the Add [Record] screen, enter the record details and Tap Ok.

Convert Leads

Once the lead status has reached a certain stage, (i.e. when there is a chance of further negotiations), it can be qualified as a potential. You can then convert the lead into an account, contact, and potential.

To convert a lead
  1. Tap the Leads module.
    All the leads in the selected list view will be listed.
  2. Tap the record that you want to convert.
  3. Tap the Convert icon (the inverted arrow).
  4. In the Convert Leads screen, specify the necessary details and tap the OK icon.
    The lead will be converted and will be available in the Converted Leads list view.

Edit Records

To edit a record
  1. Go to the module (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, etc.).
  2. Tap the record that you wish to edit.
  3. Tap the Edit icon.
  4. In the Edit [Record] page, modify the details of the record and tap OK.

Delete Records

To delete a record
  1. Go to the module (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, etc.).
  2. Tap the record that you want to delete.
  3. Tap the More Options icon and then tap Delete.
  4. Confirm deletion by tapping Yes.
    The record will be deleted.

Change List View

You can change the list view that helps you filter the required data based on specified criteria. For each module the pre-defined list views and the ones created by the users will be listed.
To change list views
  1. Go to any module.
    The records will be listed based on the List View that was pre-selected.
  2. Tap the List View for the list views in the module.
  3. From the List Views displayed, select the one matching your requirement.
  1. Only the list views already available in the web version will be displayed.
  2. New list views cannot be created in the Zoho CRM mobile app.

Upload Photos

For Leads and Contacts, you can upload an image by taking a photo or using an existing photo in the Android device.

To upload photo
  1. Go to the Leads or Contacts module.
  2. Tap the record to which you want to upload a photo.
  3. In the Record Information page, tap the More icon.
  4. Tap Upload photo.
  5. Tap Take Photo or Gallery to upload.

Record Voice Notes

You can record your conclusions on a recent demo for a prospect or capture your thoughts about a meeting with a client through Voice Notes. You can associate these audio files with your records and download them whenever you need.
To record Voice Notes
  1. Go to the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Cases, Vendors, Products or Quotes module.
  2. Tap a record to which you want to add voice notes.
  3. Against Notes, tap the Voice Note icon.
  4. In the Voice Note popup, tap Record to start and stop recording your note.
  5. Once you stop recording, enter the Title and Description for the voice note and Save it to the record.

Attach Files

To attach files
  1. Go to the module (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, etc.).
  2. In the record's Related section, tap the Add (+) icon against Attachments.
  3. Select an option from Upload from and attach the required file.
    You can also upload from third party apps like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
    You can attach files of maximum 20 MB.
  4. Tap Upload.

View Events in Month View

For the events, you can view the list of records in two types of views: List view and Month View.
To view events in month view
  1. Go to Events module.
  2. In the Record List page, toggle between the Calendar View and List View to see the events.
You can create and associate the following to the various records from the Android phone:
What that can be associated
Notes, Tasks, Attachments, Products, Events, Calls
Notes, Contacts, Tasks, Attachments, Deals, Events, Calls, Products, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Cases
Notes, Calls, Attachments, Deals, Tasks, Events, Products, Cases, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices
Notes, Tasks, Calls, Attachments, Events, Products, Quotes, Sales Orders, Cases
Notes, Price Books, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments, Cases, Solutions, Contacts, Leads, Deals, Accounts
Notes, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments
Notes, Attachments
Notes, Products, Purchase Orders, Contacts, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments
Price Books
Notes, Products, Attachments
Notes, Sales Orders, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments
Sales Orders
Notes, Invoices, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments
Purchase Orders 
Notes, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments
Notes, Tasks, Events, Calls, Attachments

To associate related records
  1. Go to the module (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, etc.).
  2. Tap a record to which you want to associate events and tasks.
  3. In the Record Information page, tap the Events, Tasks, Notes etc.
    The list of records that are already associated will be listed.
  4. Tap on the record to view and edit the details.
  5. Tap the Add Record icon to add a record and save the details.
    The event/task will be created and associated to the record.

Search Records

You can search for records to quickly fetch what you are looking for. Each module has a search tool which looks for records in the particular module.
To search records
  1. You can do a global search from the home screen of Zoho CRM app or perform search specific to the module of your choice.
  2. Go to the desired module.
  3. Tap the Search icon.
  4. Enter the text in the search box.
    As you enter, the matching records in the module will be listed.
    You can choose between My records or All Records of your choice.
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